Good Morning beauties!
I hope you are all well rested and ready to tackle the day. Wednesday is my absolute favorite day of the week.
Happy Birthday CurlBox!! I’m not a subscriber myself, however I do follow…um….stalk the founder & CEO of the company on Instagram…and Twitter (when I can figure out how)…and FaceBook. Lol. Anyway, she shares a wealth of knowledge and inspiration (both business and pleasure ). I stumbled upon a “vintage” blog she posted that lists her 5 reasons for NOT sleeping in.
CONFESSION: I loooove me some sleep. Really, I do. I mean, honestly if sleep were a sport I would be Gabby Douglas…if sleep were a drug, I would be in and out of rehab…if sleep were a man I would propose marriage, buy my own ring and his, and go on to pop out several – hopefully sleepy – offspring. But sleep is none of those things.
While physiologically necessary, I abuse sleep daily. It’s not about being lazy. Trust me I have plenty on my plate that I accomplish. Like most, I am a woman of many hats (mom, partner, daughter, sister, niece, friend, makeup artist, business woman, employee, lifelong student of anything, maid, nurse, tutor, chef…and the list goes on) and I enjoy being busy. If I’m not busy, I’m bored. Instead of twerking, I am working…Work, work, work, work and sometimes I even play, but when I’m not wearing any of those many hats…I’m sleeping. Ladies, get your beauty rest so that your body can repair and replenish itself, YES! But don’t become an addict like me. Hmmm…I wonder if there is a Sleepers Anonymous meeting I can attend somewhere.
Myleik made a great point in her blog: “When your eyes naturally open in the morning, who do you think is responsible for that? Not you. If you are so blessed…” (check out Myleik’s blog for the rest). But the reason this stood out to me is because my eyes often pop open early in the morning – on the weekends and during the week. What do I do? Roll my @$$ over and FORCE myself to go back to sleep until I absolutely must get out of bed. And guess what? When I finally do stumble out of the bed, I don’t wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world. I wake up freaking exhausted! Have you ever slept so long that you wake up with a headache from dehydration? It’s a terrible feeling! Ask me how I know…
For the rest of this month I am making a promise to myself to commit to waking up as soon as God tells me to. Rather that wakeup call comes via the sunlight in my eyes, or my son tapping me on my forehead, I will be happy and grateful for the call. On this day, and every day, many didn’t wake up, but I/we did. I have always known to wake up in the morning is a blessing, but I have so arrogantly taken it for granted for so many years.
Can you relate? If you have a chance to check out Myleik’s vintage blog post, let me know what you think.
Hi, my name is Lena and I am a recovering Sleeper